Shooting plants and planting words.

Hello, I’m Katy, and two of my favourite tools are the camera and the pen. Or the notes app. Anywhere I can rearrange my thoughts, really. This new place will do nicely too.

In Afterlight, I’ll be mostly reflecting on:

  • The creative process.

  • How we see things.

  • Connection - with nature, our work, and each other.

…and I’d love for you to reflect with me.

“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself”

- Henry Miller

You can also find me here:

Etsy Shop | Website | Instagram

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Reflections on creativity and the colours of our lives.


Hello! I’m Katy, a photographer & writer, keeping my eyes and heart on the connecting threads between us.